Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sermon Exerpt from Sunday, August 23, 2009

.........I am the father of Thomas and Jordan…I am the only father that they have – no one else can be their father…others can fill in when I’m absent, can help to meet a need if I am unavailable, but they are missing something if their father is not present and active in their lives. Who can do that? You? Of course not, that’s not your role, that’s not your calling. If there is going to be a father for Thomas and Jordan, it has to be me. Whether or not they have a father is measured by my action or inaction in their lives…agreed?.............

If there is a church here, YOU are the church…However active or inactive you choose to be determines how active or inactive the church is. And Paul says that you are part of a holy people – set apart for a great and specific work that only you can do. Christ lives in you -- So go, tell everyone about Christ.......

The future and direction of this church depends on you, because you are the church.

Your choices, your decisions, your priorities, your stubbornness, your generosity, your openness, your graciousness, your words and deeds ARE the shape and form of this church – you are the brick and mortar laid on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ!......................