Sunday, June 3, 2018

Faith Seeking Motivation

My faith has been such a source of strength, transformation, life and hope for me. I am often asked, "how can we make our faith meaningful to regular (or younger) folks today?"  Leonard Sweet's book titled "Viral" has offered me wonderful insight. 
"I want the passion of Eugene Ormandy, who dislocated his shoulder while conducting the Philadelphia orchestra.  But rather than pursuing music at that level, I want this type of passion for Jesus and a Jesus passion for the world.  Too many Christians haven't had a passion great enough to dislocate their coffee lid, let alone a shoulder."
--Leondard Sweet. Viral: How Social Networking is Poised to Ignite Revival (Colorado Springs:WaterBrook Press, 2012), 35.
I understand.  Too many times I have sat through meetings in the local, district, or conference level where there was a feeling of "we're-doing-this-because-we-must."  We seek to maintain buildings and budgets.  We are doing things that we have always done because that’s what we do.  We have all the proper structure in place.  Everyone answers to the appropriate person.  All the forms are completed with every 'i' dotted.  When we get to the reason we do things, all too often we sound like parents with young children, "Why? Because I said so -- that's why?"  The church cannot be faithful by simply going through the motions.  Lukewarm lives are as offensive to God as to modern society.
"These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your works. You are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot.So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I’m about to spit you out of my mouth." -- Revelation 3:14b-16 (CEB)
Perhaps the Church needs to move away from policy, procedures, and polity to focus more on passion, presence, and people. In my experience, it's not a good argument that makes people believe, it's seeing a life that is on fire for Christ in profound and powerful ways.  People are drawn to Christ when they see his love manifest through our lives.  The Church can only be faithful when it remembers that Christ died that the world, not the Church, might be saved.
Let us instead follow John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, who knew that passion was at the heart of drawing people to the Gospel message.
 “Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.”  --John Wesley
Grace and Peace,

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Putting the 'M' in Maundy

        Before the Festival of Passover, Jesus knew that his time had come to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them fully.        Jesus and his disciples were sharing the evening meal. The devil had already provoked Judas, Simon Iscariot’s son, to betray Jesus. Jesus knew the Father had given everything into his hands and that he had come from God and was returning to God.4 So he got up from the table and took off his robes. Picking up a linen towel, he tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a washbasin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he was wearing.        After he washed the disciples’ feet, he put on his robes and returned to his place at the table. He said to them, “Do you know what I’ve done for you?  You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and you speak correctly, because I am.  If I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you too must wash each other’s feet.  I have given you an example: Just as I have done, you also must do.  I assure you, servants aren’t greater than their master, nor are those who are sent greater than the one who sent them.  Since you know these things, you will be happy if you do them.        “I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other.  This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.”
John 13:1-5, 12-17, 34-35
The prophets called them “beautiful,” at least when they belonged to those who brought good news. Beautiful feet?!? We hear of folks having great legs, or beautiful hair, or stunning eyes; but when have we ever heard of someone with beautiful feet?

Most feet are not only funny looking, they are also crooked, ugly, and sometimes even smelly. So just imagine washing someone’s feet—to peel off the mud and dirt that was caked onto their heels, and maybe between their toes!

It’s not very inviting, is it? It’s understandable why that particular job—always fell to the lowest servant of a household, to the “last hired, first fired,” the person with no seniority.

On his last night on Earth, that’s exactly what Jesus did. He got up during the meal, wrapped a towel around his waist, got down on his knees, and began to wash the feet of his disciples. It was so unexpected, so “un-Lord-like,” that when Jesus came to Simon Peter, Peter crossed his arms and said rather emphatically, “You will never wash my feet.” Because in Peter’s mind, washing feet was clearly not the kind of thing Jesus ought to be doing.
But Jesus took on the servant’s role anyway. So why did he do it? Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, not because he had to, but because “he loved his own who were in the world, he loved them fully.” 

That’s a hard task indeed for many of us. We can put up with folks for a while. But loving someone “fully”? That’s a different matter. When we don’t get any affirmation from our relationship or when another person is spiteful toward us, it’s tempting to just give up on them. We could understand it if Jesus, who “knew that his time had come to leave this world,” had been just a little distracted on that evening with what was about to happen to him. He didn’t really have time to put up with the petty arguments of his disciples, who were still fighting about who was going to sit in the places of honor at the meal. Who would have blamed Jesus, had he told them to just “be silent and sit down”?

But he didn’t. Instead, Jesus simply got up and took the servant’s role and washed their feet. Jesus wanted his disciples to understand that real love and real faith, and especially real leadership, means one thing and one thing only: it means serving… 

Even two thousand years later, nothing really has changed about what real love is, and how Jesus calls us to manifest it to others. Indeed, if you want to follow Jesus, the simple truth is that the line starts at the rear. Jesus said “I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other.” And that novum mandatum is the expression from where the term “Maundy Thursday” comes. 

If we want to know just what following Christ means, the mandate makes it clear: it means being willing to serve others, even if not just their feet, but their whole manner of being makes them genuine stinkers. 

Because it is by this that everyone will know that we are truly Christ’s disciples. Indeed, people will recognize that we are sincere in this whole faith business only if we actually love one another. So are we keeping Christ’s mandate to truly love those around us?

To be sure, feet may not be very glamorous. But they can say a lot about who is here to be served and who has come to serve. What’s more, as the prophet of old once told us, our feet can even be beautiful if they belong to those who bring good news. 

        Let us hear the call of our Savior speak through the centuries:“If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.” 

Grace and Peace,

Monday, March 12, 2018

Practice Precedes Progress

 "The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the community, to their shared meals, and to their prayers.  A sense of awe came over everyone. God performed many wonders and signs through the apostles. All the believers were united and shared everything.  They would sell pieces of property and possessions and distribute the proceeds to everyone who needed them.  Every day, they met together in the temple and ate in their homes. They shared food with gladness and simplicity.  They praised God and demonstrated God’s goodness to everyone. The Lord added daily to the community those who were being saved." Acts 2:42-47

In a seminar I attended years ago, Dr. Stanley Ott told a story. He had gone for a walk with his son.  Being  drawn to a  large puddle off the path, his son quickly ran to it. “It’s moving!” the boy exclaimed.  As they looked, the pond was filled with thousands of tiny tadpoles.  His son asked if they could take some home, and Stanley agreed.  They scooped up several dozen in a clear plastic container and kept them in a place that they could watch them change into frogs.  They kept the water fresh and fed them fish food every day, but nothing happened.  After a few weeks, they returned to the puddle to see how the other tadpoles were doing.  Much to Stanley’s surprise, the puddle was empty. That’s when he noticed hundreds of tiny frogs hopping nearby.

He asked a scientist friend why his tadpoles didn’t change into frogs.  The answer? “It matters what you feed them, Stanley.  Not everything they eat will make them grow.”

 If we want to be disciples, it matters what we feed our spirits.  Would we expect to eat only ice cream and doughnuts 6 ½ days a week and eat vegetables once a week and be healthy? Of course not.  Neither should we expect to fill our minds and hearts with all sorts of junk during the week and have Sunday morning make everything alright. 

  The early believers spent their time doing specific things.  They learned about Jesus from the apostles. Christian fellowship,  praying together, and having communion occurred whenever they met.  They demonstrated sacrificial giving, worship every day, shared joy and praise, and extended hospitality to others within their homes. (Acts 2:42-47)

They were growing in grace through the practice of spiritual disciplines. We do not become disciples overnight, but it takes time for our lives to more closely reflect Jesus. Practice precedes progress.

Miss Mary Lou Couch taught me piano for about 6 years through instruction and by example.  Mostly, she taught me through making me practice.   Thirty years ago, I promised Mary Lou and my mom that if I quit taking lessons, that I would continue to play and learn. I grew in my ability to play by spending time sitting at a bench. Practice preceded progress.

  We, too, are instruments that have been created to play a song for others that reflects the love and grace of God.  But not all of us are pianists;so, what can we do?  God offers us many different ways to grow as disciples, but we have to take the time to work on them – to practice – to allow the Holy Spirit to shape us over time.

Being a disciple doesn’t happen by magic, it happens as we live the faith we believe.  We cannot just dress up, attend worship, and grow. We have to allow Jesus to change us daily to be like him.  

I received a beautiful, antique harmonica that is prominently displayed in my office.  You might think that I am quite a gifted player if you see me hold it.  I have not, however, taken the time to practice. Holding a harmonica does not make me a player. Sitting in church does not make us disciples. 

 I am not saying that what we do makes us Christian.  No, only knowing Christ makes us Christian.  Think of being a Christian like being married.  Once we say vows, we are married. Once we profess our faith, we are claimed by Christ.  Whether that relationship is a good one depends on the effort we give to growing in that relationship.  Works do not save us.  However, spiritual disciplines do draw us close to the heart of God.

 If we are faithful to practice, God will grow us in grace.  Practice precedes progress.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

            I know what you may be thinking, “James is having a little trouble with the timing of his blog.  He must have thought we would get it before December 25th.”
            Actually, I have done this on purpose; there is no mistake.  I realize that Christmas music disappears from the radio on December 26. Christmas trees are mostly bare, and only a few gatherings to celebrate the season remain.  By New Year’s Day, people will have turned off their lights and packed away the Christmas decorations with only the pounds we have gained to serve as a reminder of our celebration of Emmanuel, God with us. However…if you are reading this post on or before January 5th, let me once again say, “Merry Christmas.”
            We spend four weeks in faithful preparation for the coming of baby Jesus through the season of Advent – a fact that our commercially driven society has been quick to embrace.  The other part of this celebration that we tend to neglect is the season of Christmas.  Yes, much like the seasons of Epiphany, Easter, and Pentecost, Christmas day marks the beginning of the season of Christmas. Christmas is traditionally a season of 12 days between Christmas Day and Epiphany set by the 567 Council of Tours held in France. In Germany, Belgium and Holland the twelve days began on December 25 and running through January 5th. In England, December 26th marked the first day of (after) Christmas. (Haidle)
            We even have a Christmas song that celebrates each of these days and the gifts that we have received from “our True Love.” Throughout this season we celebrate the many gifts of grace that God has given us. Helen Haidle’s book The Real 12 Days of Christmas (Gold ‘n’ Honey Books, ©1997) gives us an example of some of the meaning behind the song.
            When you see Christmas songs in the bulletins for New Year’s Eve or see the church decorated through Epiphany Sunday, realize that we are not just clinging to a season long past.  We have joined with 1500 years of tradition as we rejoice in the fullness of God’s gift in Jesus Christ. So, Merry Christmas!
Grace and Peace,